Monday, March 9, 2015

'Antihero' form ScottB - 'Boromir, Son of Gondor'

After Curt's elaboration on what constitutes an Anti-hero, and me trying to keep to the LOTR theme of my overall entries... Boromir had to be the choice.

Proud and loyal son of his father; Denethor II, mighty warrior and brave leader of men, Captain of the White Tower...

He only wants to defend his people, and understandably so, against the armies of Mordor, that lies right on the border of his realm...

He valiantly accompanies Frodo as part of the Fellowship of the Ring,... but ever it seems the prescence of the Ring gnaws at him, until when chance comes, he cannot help but make a move for it...  though not I feel for personal gain or power but simply to be the strongest, he, or his father could be, to defeat their enemies and free the world of the threat of Mordor...

But that way can never work... even as mighty a man as Boromir would have fallen to its malevolence... but thankfully we never see this end... as thing go wildly wrong at Amon Hen, where the Fellowship is scattered during the attack of the Uruks from Isengard...

Boromir fights valiantly but in vain, redeeming his honour, in defence of the weakest members of the party, slaying many orcs, but eventually paying the ultimate price...

 The last words of Aragorn, at Boromirs Death... "Be at peace, son of Gondor"... always bring a misty eye...


  1. Excellent choice for Anti-Hero. Top job. cheers

  2. Great model and great painting.

  3. Nice details and personality Scott!

  4. Ah, it's nice to see someone do their interpretation of my introduction figure. Lovely work Scott! I really love how you've conveyed the various textures and colours of his armour and tunic (and his horn is particularly fine). Well done!

  5. Ah, it's nice to see someone do their interpretation of my introduction figure. Lovely work Scott! I really love how you've conveyed the various textures and colours of his armour and tunic (and his horn is particularly fine). Well done!

  6. Damn, why didn't I think if Boromir!
    Great mini as usual!

  7. Damn, why didn't I think if Boromir!
    Great mini as usual!

    1. I guess most people simply view him as hero, and perhaps pardon his fateful transgression??? ;-)

  8. Great painting Scott, I really like the way you've done the clothing.

  9. Great work, Scott! I like how you patterned his tunic, very reminiscent of the film!

  10. Fantastic job of keeping your challenge theme and the challenge theme. Another figure I must study carefully.
