Sunday, February 28, 2016

'Nautical' from JeremyM - 'Viking Longship'

Hi all,

I have a 28mm scale Revell viking ship for my entry to the ship challenge. 

I chose to make it into a beached ship to fit with a gaming matt I have that transitions from sea to land. The scale works well with 28mm as you can see with my jomsviking warlord on it and beside it. 

The ship is plastic and a bit fiddly to assemble. I chose to forgo the plastic sale and made one from a dried out wipe that I rolled up, I probably should have painted some red strips or something for a better effect and I suppose I may still do that in the future. The ship bottom was made to fit in a special stand as it still has the keel. I cut that off with a saw on the very bottom so it would sit flat on the base. The shields on the side come with decals and were a reel pain. i should have cut out the centre boss before appllying but there were so many I decided against it, which made applying the decals a real pain. A small hole punch would be ideal for these.

For the base I built it up with some wood and gravel painted tan to reflect the beach. The waves and water part were painted blue and then I used silicon to make the water and the waves coming into shore. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out I think it will be a great objective on the table for a saga campaign I'm running. It actually made an appearance a few weeks ago but was unbased and only partially assembled. This version will be a tad more impressive in the near future.



  1. Very impressive work, and a terrific SAGA piece as well!

    I have the same kit in The Garage of Shame (aka The Undiscover'd Country, From Whose Bourn No Model Has Ever Return'd), and this entry has got the old mental wheels turning again...

    Well done!

  2. Excellent job Jeremy! I look forward to another Saga game featuring this ship.

  3. Wunderbar! The variety of shields make the model very lively. Sadly, another unit the Breton will have to disassemble/sink/burn.

  4. Impressive! Love the work on all the shields!

  5. Jaw droppingly beautiful! The array of shields really takes this to another level. This was clearly a lot of work-well done!

  6. Your efforts on the shields really adds to the vessel! A very fun objective too, although my " Skraelings" will attempt to torch the water demon! ;)

  7. Brilliant work Jeremy! I very much look forward to playing with this on the table. Word of caution: Keep Stacy away from it or it will be sluiced with red wine. ;)

    1. I dunno maybe it could use some "seasoning" the red might resemble blood on the deck and could fit right in..but blood on the sail maybe not so much.

  8. That's great! I've got one of these that I want to make into a beached diorama as well!

  9. I want to say nice things but as I did used to do re-enactments as a Saxon I cannot bring myself to! So Let us forget all about Joms Vikings and say this is a Saxon vessel. In that case it is fantastic

  10. THat's a great looking vessel and as you said would be perfect for saga!

  11. Holy crap - this is really something else. Nice work Jeremy.

  12. oh well done that man! Not only is the ship incredibly cool, the base is top notch too!

  13. Who doesn't like a Viking longship I ask you! Very nicely done!


  14. smashing entry, great paint scheme and the beaching is inspired to get lots of use out of it.

  15. So many detailed shields. Really awesome work. Must have taken a chunk of time to complete. Great work. cheers
