Sunday, March 3, 2019

'Fellowship' from FranjoB: Gandalf the White, Lord of Middle Earth

Hi all,

Those past weeks I was separated from my brushes and paints. Other things have occupied my spare time and I could not do what I had planned: to paint 14 Fellowship of the Ring and allies (nine companions, another versions of Gandalf and Aragorn, Elrond and Galadriel and, of course, the destroyer himself of the Ring, Smeagol). They were 20mm miniatures from the Ares Games War of the Ring boardgame and its expansion Lords of Middle Earth.

To my dismay, I was only able to paint two miniatures: Gandalf the White raiding Shadowfax over the fields of Pelennor:

I know it's a bit cheesy to claim my bonus theme points with only two miniatures... but there it is.

Thanks, Curt


  1. Haha, Gandalf and Shadowfax together depicting fellowship. Well played, Franjo, well played AND a beautiful paintjob as well. I've been wanting to pick up War of the Ring for a few years now and this reminds me that I have to resume my quest for a copy.

    1. IMHO, you MUST get it as soon as possible. War of the Ring is one of the best wargames/boardgames I've ever played and full of LOTR flavour. Trust me, Curt, you won't regret it.

      Thanks for your comment

  2. Lovely work on these sculpts.

  3. Replies
    1. It would be better if I painted all the companions and allies, as I planned... Thanks!

  4. Very nice work on this mini Franjo.

  5. The sculpting doesn't look too good, but you have achieved a top level painting work in this model

    1. I tried to do what I could ;)

      Thanks a lot, Benito!

  6. Lovely painting! Great work!
    Best Iain

  7. There’s no shame on this Franjo - I do it all the time and Gandalf is a classic representation of ‘fellowship’
