Sunday, January 8, 2017

'Armour' from ReillyOG: Legion of the Bronze Hammer

For my first entry for the Challenge and only my second painting project ever, here is the humble beginnings of my new Dwarf army for Dragon Rampant. These are the Legion of the Bronze Hammer, which will form an elite foot unit.  They will be joined by others as the challenge continues.

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Figs are a mix from the old Chronopia line of figures. Since I haven't been able to complete a painting project for a good few years now, any advice is welcome.


  1. Nice work on the dwarves Reilly :)

  2. Great job there young fellah - they look great!

  3. Cool! The fluoro yellow beard is particularly striking!

  4. They look really good Reilly! I don't think you need any tips mate, you seem to have nailed it!

  5. Keep doing what you are doing, these are great! You are building a nice Dragon Rampant force. Super pics too.

  6. Always glad to see more Dwarves. Nice work!

  7. Well stunties are the epitome of fantasy armour! I knew if I waited long enough!

  8. Such evocative armoured troops are a great addition to this theme round beardling!

  9. Great job on some really unusual figures! I thought they were armoured Orcs at first! Very nice.

  10. Terrific work Reilly! You have very good brush control and nice clean lines. My early efforts were a pale shadow of this work. Well done!
