Sunday, January 31, 2016

'Defensive Terrain' from MartinN - 'Let it Rip!'

It was a close run thing but I finaly got something in to the bonus rounds. With a little more time at hand and a head full of ideas I enthusiastically dived head first into the preparations. At first I was planning to do a little WW1 diorama but, while having the right figures, lacked in the skill and patience to pull it off. Than, while rummaging through the attic, I stumbled across some old Warhammer 40k terrain which would have fit the bill and instantly set to work to pimp it up. When finished, but before painting, I actually realised that terrain isn't really the focus of the challenge and I'd need figures to go with it. Running short on time and not really feeling like spending crazy money on some Forge World Death Korps of Krieg miniatures (which I would have liked to use for the particular piece and am eyeing for some years now), it was now time to turn to plan C: the ever trusty and highly popular (at least with me) World War 2 plastics by Warlord Games.

The figures are from the newish plastic Fallschirmjäger set converted using cutting, gluing, offensive speech and some pieces of the older plastic sets. I can't actually put my finger on it, but the Fallschirmjäger set left me a little unimpressed. I'm not exactly sure on why that's the case, as except for the detail, which is a little soft, it's in no way worse than the last sets. Maybe it's me comparing them to the older metal figures which have waaay more character. That said I hated the bad casting quality on the metal figures.


Using crates and some other paraphernalia from the bitz box I created a suitably 'defensive' looking base to go with the figures. To add a little interest to the otherwise still quite bland stack of crates, I added a camo cover made from tissue paper. A trick I already used in one of the last challenges. In order to be able to remove casualties, the loader was magnetised.

This entry should give me 20 points (10 for the miniatures and another ten for the crew served weapon) for the Bavarian challenge and an aditional 50 points for my over all target.


  1. Woah, that is some beautiful work with the brush there Nick! I really like the details in the vignette like the overturned helmet and brickdust. Great work.

  2. Excellent work, really works for me


  3. Lovely painting and a great pair of figures. Worth all the effort and offensive language to convert them for this vignette :)

  4. Absolutely fantastic painting Nick! Don't forget to bring this piece along next gaming day so I can see it!


  5. Really nice mate! Love these pieces, and the work put into them.

  6. A very nice base! The tarp, cast off helm, rifle, and potato mashers tell a good story!

  7. That is just beautiful Nick, stunning art work.

  8. Excellent work! The history of these guys defending Ortona then Monte Casino is incredible really. Brutal but an epic stand.

  9. Brilliant work, Martin. Amazing painting, as ever, and a lovely entry to the bonus rounds!
