Sunday, January 3, 2016

'Nostalgia' from MartinC - Citadel Orc Hero

The bonus rounds this year have been difficult, which is good as I do like a challenge. Nostalgia was very difficult for me and I found it tricky to think what to do.

A root around my foothills of my lead mountain found the oldest unpainted figure I had.

He is an Orc hero from Citadel (I think) pre slotta anyway. I bought him in about 1985 and has been pretty much unloved ever since. He does remind me of the original Warhammer rules  that I played throughout the 1980s.

I painted him in too dark a shade of green and not overly convinced it worked. Eyes were also tricky. As usual the photography fails on the subtle details but overall he is OK, if not my best work.


  1. Wonderful! He looks like he's playing field hockey (I don't want to see what's serving as the ball...)

  2. Gives a whole new meaning to the term 'Oldhammer'- nice one, Martin!

  3. I agree with Curt, he's playing hockey! Nice work digging up this old chap!

  4. I have that figure I seem to remember it was a "Give away if you got so many points" Much more I do not recall and that may not actually be true, it is just a fading memory.

  5. I'm 99% sure I had that same miniature at some point. Nice to see him again...

  6. Cheers all. He is definitely playing field hockey (here it's just called hockey as we are so crap at ice hockey that we call that ice hockey). The ball will be a head obviously and I shall tweak him and resubmit at later in challenge

  7. I thought he was playing golf myself but. Iteresting figure I do like the head he has tied to his belt.

    1. Gobf also works, even has a spare ball and a pitching clud

  8. Great work...I always loved the original Citadel rules in the three box set!

    1. They were great weren't they. Massively full of interesting things, loads of dice and millions of errors

  9. Looks good, but one tip for the teeth: It is difficult for me to believe, that Orcs have white teeth, so how about using some yellow or bone colors?

    1. Cheers, i did think about that at the time and in hindsight I should have. Plan to redo him and repost later in the challenge, he will have yellow teeth

  10. Interesting figure. It's sometimes funny to me to see the evolution of Citadel. My personal preferences are against many of their early figures, aesthetics of the sculpts don't do it for me. The later stuff really caught my fancy. Then they went into a weird caricature of themselves.

    1. They used to be the best when I do into it in the 1980's as everyone else was still producing ranks of marching figs. When I returned t the hobby they we very expensive and didn't fit with my interests

  11. Great work. This is a figure with a lot of story behind!

  12. Nice job on the filthy orc! I remember the old game sets and paper mats with real lead minis...does that make us old?!

  13. An interesting old miniature. Nicely done. I am not familiar with these old fantasy miniatures as I was not into fantasy gaming back then.
