Sunday, January 3, 2016

'Nostalgia' from ByronM - Eldar Farseer

 With week 1 being Nostalgia, I was really wondering what to paint. I went back and forth on a few things that have old memories for me, but then while searching through my bits buckets I stumbled upon an old Warhammer 40k Eldar Farseer miniature. The Eldar were my first 40k army, and the first version of them that I painted was some of the earliest figures that I painted for wargaming, the only thing before that was Legions of Steel.

Sure I had painted other things when I was younger, like plastic model kits, figures for D&D, a few game pieces, etc, but nothing really for wargaming. Since Legions of Steel is long out of production, and I don’t have any of those figures laying around, I thought the Eldar would fit perfectly for this weeks them. 

The first Eldar army I did (I painted several over the last almost 20 years) was the Ulthwe colour scheme which is a simple black and bone scheme to show that they come from a world with very few living souls left. Black is always hard to pull off and have any depth showing so I actually painted the whole model a neutral grey and then layered in black ink in glaze coats. I still had to go back and add some hard edge highlights on the staff as the glaze method would not work on the really hard corners, but I think it worked out ok on the rest of the model.

I then moved onto painting all the gems, using my old 7 colour method for red gems. It really hasn’t changed much in all my years of painting, but it still works and looks ok.

Lastly, I painted up a wraithstone base I had laying around for him to stand on, clear coated both and then glued him on.



  1. Great work Byron - a real beauty.

  2. That's a very nicely painted figure.

  3. I'm no fan of the Eldar but that figure is lovely. Your gem treatment may be long in the tooth but it sure works very, very well.

  4. Great stuff, I really like how you made the limited palette work for you.

  5. That's a great figure, the gems work really well. Need a 7 colour tutorial I think. Also looks very Samurai

  6. A thing of beauty. Now Die you elf scum die (Sorry that just slipped out and was totally unessercary!) All meant in fun.

  7. Great work all around, and maybe your old recipe for red gems might be worthy of a post all to itself? :D

  8. Lovely work on this classic sculpt!

  9. Glorious work Byron. The blending is superb!

  10. Lovely work Byron - I'd say you've pulled off the black :)

  11. Well done Byron - great work on the Farseer and the wraithstones

  12. You nailed the black! A great painting job all around.

  13. Just a beautiful job all around Byron. I love the detail of the Elven glyphs. 7 color gems you say? Huh. They look fantastic.

  14. The gem treatment does still work! Great black and wraith bone too!

  15. Love this. You mention the blacks and gems, but I was struck by the creamy white. So smooth. The base really sets the figure off nicely.

  16. Love this. You mention the blacks and gems, but I was struck by the creamy white. So smooth. The base really sets the figure off nicely.

  17. That is a lot of work gone into the painting. It looks superb.
